Attendees: Kelly Stone, Lisa Alborough, Helen Mitchel, Cheryl Fry, Nicola Ilett, Sarah Burling & Laura Brown.

Apologies: Olivia Guckian


  • Committee
  • Ongar Academy update
  • Weekly running of club
  • Covid Management
  • First Aid/ Safeguarding
  • Finance
  • Kit
  • Affiliation
  • Leagues
  • AOB


  • Kelly Stone, current Chairperson of Ongar Netball, has decided to step down from the role due to work commitments, however, remains very much a key member of the club and will continue to be involved and take on the role of Marketing & Social Media Officer with immediate effect.
  • Lisa Alborough joint Secretary with Helen Mitchel will step up and take the role of Chairperson for the time being.
  • Cheryl Fry will take the joint role of Chairperson with focus being for the Ongar Junior & Youths
  • Laura Brown current Treasurer has requested to step down from next season or continue in a shared role due to work commitments.
  • Helen Mitchel to remain as Secretary and Sarah Burling to remain as Communications Officer.
  • Nicola Ilett will remain as Social events Officer
  • Olivia has joined the committee as Covid Management Officer

Ongar Academy Update

  • Lisa gave an update regarding renting the courts from Ongar academy. Scott Fairweather Multi Site Compliance Manager has confirmed Ongar Netball can resume renting the courts on Thursday evenings from May 6th
  • Courts will be outside only due to Covid restrictions.
  • Ongar Netball will be given the gate padlock code and a further padlock to ensure when leaving the site is securely locked
  • Scott requested a risk assessment is completed and sent ahead of May 6th, along with timings of rental
  • Scott will send rental timings to his finance department who will bill us in the previous way via e mail

Weekly running of club

  • Lisa confirmed Stephanie Herbert has agreed to be Ongar Netballs new coach and will cover all 3 sessions from 5.30-8.30
  • Kirsty Herbet will step in to cover when Stephanie is unable to attend.
  • Both Stephanie and Kirsty are level 2 netball coaches and first aid trained.
  • Cheryl will run the first 2 sessions for Juniors and Youths with 1 person from the committee to support each week
  • Aa Rota 4 weeks ahead will be done to always ensure cover
  • The person attending the first sessions as support will be the person who will run the adult session that evening, taking the register and monies
  • Costs agreed will be £5 for adults and £3 for students under 18, juniors and youths with first session free for new starters
  • A message will be sent to the committee group WhatsApp after each week’s training to confirm how many attended and monies taken for the treasurer to record

Covid Management

  • Olivia has created and written several documents listed below for the management of Covid
  1. Risk assessment
  2. Letter to all players
  3. Hand sanitizing checklist
  4. Weekly sign off sheet (symptoms/temperature)
  5. opt in form
  6. Weekly risk assessment form

First Aid/Safeguarding

  • Cheryl updated that the FA course booked last year was cancelled due to Covid and will look to complete as soon as possible
  • It was discussed that other committee members will also look to complete a FA course
  • Helen Mitchel is the club’s current safeguarding officer
  • Cheryl will also look to do complete a course for safeguarding
  • A safeguarding document will be issued to all members of the club


  • Banking is still not accessible for the treasurer; this is to be actioned asap
  • It was discussed that new rules will be implemented regarding payments to streamline the current process
  1. League payments to be paid in full ahead of the season by each team member
  2. If unable to attend that team member is to be responsible for their replacement
  3. Weekly training sessions monies to be calculated and treasurer informed each week
  • Sponsorship to be re considered sept, John Sears having first refusal for adults being our last sponsor with a full year not complete
  • Junior & Youths sponsor to be sought, DIY store Ongar has expressed they would be interested to do this and will confirm ahead of the new season starting
  • It was discussed that there may be a possibility of a grant from Ongar Town Council
  • Kelly discussed an affiliation with a local Mortgage advisor to bring funds in for the club


  • A kit inventory will be completed with all kit being handed back into the committee
  • Discussions took place regarding a safe place to store kit so it’s easily available for training each week, suggestion was Ongar Academy storage unit
  • Printing of current kit already paid and purchased to be completed and given to team members
  • New kit to be purchased where necessary


  • Costs to be sought for both Adults and Juniors and communicated to all members wanting to join leagues ahead of the new season starting September


  • No leagues will start until winter season
  • Teams to be reviewed and picked by the coach and committee
  • Each league team to have a team captain to take responsibility of each weeks matches and kit


  • CAPS was discussed, all forms are in the current Ongar Netball google drive ready to progress
  • Kelly mentioned there are over 20 e mails in the netball inbox that require action


  1. Treasurer position to be advertised to the wider team to see if anyone would like to role share or take on the role in its entirety – Helen
  2. England Netball for Ongar Netball Club to be updated of committee member roles – Helen
  3. Risk assessment to be e mailed to Scott Fairweather – Lisa
  4. Times of rental to be e mailed to Scott Fairweather – Lisa
  5. Rota 4 weeks ahead for Junior & Youth support to be completed – All (completed)
  6. Confirmation of club starting on 6th May to be communicated to Stephanie Herbert with confirmation she will coach all sessions – Lisa (completed and confirmed)
  7. Social media to be updated with a post that the club is returning – Kelly (complete)
  8. Events to be created and posted on Facebook for all 3 sessions for the rest of the season – Kelly (complete)
  9. All messages on Facebook messenger to be answered informing them of the training retuning – Lisa (completed)
  10. Covid Management documents to be saved in Ongar Netball Google drive – Lisa (completed)
  11. Covid management forms to be printed off and taken to first session and added to kit for weekly completion – Lisa    (completed)
  12. Covid management documents to be read by all committee members and confirmed on group WhatsApp all understood – All 
  13. Sanitizer and temperature gauge to be purchased – Helen (completed)
  14. First Aid & Safeguarding course costs to be sought and communicated to committee members – Cheryl (completed)
  15. Committee members to agree who will attend courses – All
  16. Safeguarding document to be communicated to all team members – Helen & Cheryl
  17. Laura to have full access to the bank account and Amy removed – Helen & Amy
  18. All monies to be reconciled and balance sheet completed – Laura
  19. Local mortgage advisor affiliate to be investigated in further detail – Laura
  20. Contact to be made with Lawrence Mendoza Ongar Town Council regarding applying for a grant for the club – Laura & Lisa
  21. Kit inventory to be completed – Lisa & Helen (completed)
  22. Printing on current kit to be completed and distributed to team members – Kelly
  23. Affiliation costs to be sought and communicated to wider team ahead of winter league – Helen
  24. Leagues to be decided by July ready for Winter season and affiliation – All
  25. Louise at England netball to be contacted to discuss CAPS in further detail with Chairs – Helen
  26. E mails to be forward on or access to the inbox given to the committee members to action – Kelly